We are initiating this fundraiser to help our fellow citizens in Algeria who are facing this pandemic.
Our objective is to provide protective equipment for Algerian hospital staff.
We work closely with health professional associations, supported by a donation distribution network in hospitals across the country.
This collaboration allows us to ensure the delivery in total transparency We do our best to carry out this humanitarian companion,
for this we are helped by operators knowing well the companies in China and the procedures in Algeria

 The collective effort of everyone is needed immediately.

We are a group of algerian volunteers. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we spontaneously came together to support our fellow citizens living in Algeria. The group’s actions are guided by the principles of solidarity, transparency and separated from political ideologies or tendencies.

Our mission:

– To provide reliable and accessible information on COVID-19.

– To utilize Algerian skills and knowledge to serve our cause as an act of solidarity.

– Initiate humanitarian aid operations for Algerian citizens.

OBNL & Num : AIA ECO / 1151172-6

The funds received will mainly be used to purchase essential medical equipment (protection and prevention equipment).


Here is the list* of the medical equipment that is urgently needed:

  • N95 and FFP2 masks + Mud flaps

  • Disposable gowns and blouses

  • Gloves (sterile and non-sterile)

  • Protective glasses

  • Disinfection products

  • Front thermometers

momètres frontaux

* The list of urgent medical equipment has been drawn up in collaboration with health professionals working in Algeria.

1- the funds are deposited in the account of our non-profit organization (NPO) AIA eco-chartered Canadian.
2- the funds will be used to purchase medical equipment from foreign suppliers and/or support local operators.
3- the collective is committed to ensuring all the necessary transparency regarding all our operations of management of purchases and delivery of humanitarian aid
4- a detailed report of the expenses ( purchases, logistics, etc.) related to this collection will be available on the site in due course.

This fundraising campaign aims to raise $ 100,000. Stay tuned for other future initiatives.

For Canadian donors: The urgency of the situation in Algeria and the statutes of our NPO does not allow us to produce tax receipts at the moment. However, a receipt showing your donation will be provided.

For donors in other countries: A receipt showing your donation will be provided but will not be tax deductible.

The contribution accepts donations from individuals, companies and organizations.

Donors must adhere to the United Nations Foundation due diligence policies (which prohibit the receipt of funds from, among other things, arms, alcohol and tobacco).

Thank you for your generosity! If you are unable to donate, please share this initiative to raise awareness. We thank you and together we will defeat COVID19!

Yes, of course, PayPal accepts all currencies ($ S US, Euro, Yen…)



Merci à tous nos donateurs, nous avons atteint notre objectif de collecte de fonds. ***Phase#1

Thank you to all our donors, we have met our fundraising goal. ***Phase #1

Allows you to donate safely anywhere: online, mobile, in person. All payment options in one place and faster to accept money from anyone around the world.

Interac Wire Donation Option: Easy. Fast. Secure:

We are initiating this fundraiser to help our fellow citizens in Algeria who are facing this pandemic.
Our objective is to provide protective equipment for Algerian hospital staff.
We work closely with health professional associations, supported by a donation distribution network in hospitals across the country.
This collaboration allows us to ensure the delivery in total transparency We do our best to carry out this humanitarian companion,
for this we are helped by operators knowing well the companies in China and the procedures in Algeria

 The collective effort of everyone is needed immediately.

We are a group of algerian volunteers. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, we spontaneously came together to support our fellow citizens living in Algeria. The group’s actions are guided by the principles of solidarity, transparency and separated from political ideologies or tendencies.

Our mission:

– To provide reliable and accessible information on COVID-19.

– To utilize Algerian skills and knowledge to serve our cause as an act of solidarity.

– Initiate humanitarian aid operations for Algerian citizens.

OBNL & Num : AIA ECO / 1151172-6

The funds received will mainly be used to purchase essential medical equipment (protection and prevention equipment).


Here is the list* of the medical equipment that is urgently needed:

  • N95 and FFP2 masks + Mud flaps

  • Disposable gowns and blouses

  • Gloves (sterile and non-sterile)

  • Protective glasses

  • Disinfection products

  • Front thermometers

momètres frontaux

* The list of urgent medical equipment has been drawn up in collaboration with health professionals working in Algeria.

1- the funds are deposited in the account of our non-profit organization (NPO) AIA eco-chartered Canadian.
2- the funds will be used to purchase medical equipment from foreign suppliers and/or support local operators.
3- the collective is committed to ensuring all the necessary transparency regarding all our operations of management of purchases and delivery of humanitarian aid
4- a detailed report of the expenses ( purchases, logistics, etc.) related to this collection will be available on the site in due course.

This fundraising campaign aims to raise $ 100,000. Stay tuned for other future initiatives.

For Canadian donors: The urgency of the situation in Algeria and the statutes of our NPO does not allow us to produce tax receipts at the moment. However, a receipt showing your donation will be provided.

For donors in other countries: A receipt showing your donation will be provided but will not be tax deductible.

The contribution accepts donations from individuals, companies and organizations.

Donors must adhere to the United Nations Foundation due diligence policies (which prohibit the receipt of funds from, among other things, arms, alcohol and tobacco).

Thank you for your generosity! If you are unable to donate, please share this initiative to raise awareness. We thank you and together we will defeat COVID19!

Yes, of course, PayPal accepts all currencies ($ S US, Euro, Yen…)


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